Research reports

1. Farm Production Systems Safety

1.1 National Farm Injury Data Collection and Surveillance
Farm Fatalities Research Studies
Farm Injury Studies
Chartbook Series
Farm Safety Research Methods
1.2 Agricultural industries health and safety programs
Specific commodity programs
1.3 Farm Safety Induction
2. Prevention of farm injury associated with specific hazards
2.1  Tractor and Machinery Safety Program
   Tractor Safety
Other Machinery Safety
2.2 Farm Vehicle Safety Program
Motorcycle Safety – (2 and 4 wheeled motorcycles)
2.3 Pesticides and Human Health Project
Pesticides Safety Systems
Pesticides and Health – general
Pesticides and the Health Impact on Communities
Worker Exposure Studies
2.4 Farm Noise Injury Prevention Program
3. Farm Population Safety
3.1 Child Safety on Farms
3.2 Safety of Young People on Farms
3.3 Safety of Older Farmers
4. Rural Population Health
4.1 Rural Health Studies
Falls Injury Prevention
Older Health Worker Studies
4.2 Osteoarthritis in Farming Research Program
Rehabilitation and return to work of injured and disabled farmers and farm workers
  • Boughton K, Fragar L, Davies G. Vocational Rehabilitation in Australian Agriculture, background paper. Australian Agricultural Health Unit 1996.
4.3  Zoonoses Program
  • Fragar L, Milazzo A. Optimal Dataset for Q fever surveillance. Report produced for the national Q Fever Surveillance and Target Working Party. ACAHS 2001.
4.4 Stress, Mental Health and Suicide Program