Our datasets
1. Farm Fatalities Dataset – Other Metadata
This dataset includes all on-farm fatalities (work and non-work) in Australia, excluding deaths resulting from natural or intentional causes.
2. Rural Media Farm Injury Dashboard – Other Metadata
This data includes all on-farm fatalities and injuries reported in Australian media, excluding deaths resulting from natural and intentional causes. Data is collected through a commercial media tracking organisation (Meltwater) to scan daily, weekly and monthly publications Australia wide through print and online media. Publications are scanned for various designated search terms (e.g. “farm*”, “agric*”, “growers”, “producers”, “horticulture”). The available data from media reports are coded using the Farm Injury Coding Framework, including both work and non-work related activities. Each incident is coded in relation to demographics, role in event (e.g. operator, bystander, passenger), work relatedness, relevant causal agents of injury (dams, tractors, grain augers, quads etc.), mechanism of injury, and other context specific information as applicable such as rollover/runover and commodity sector where known.
Farm Fatalities Dataset – Explanatory Notes
Data Requests
AgHealth complies and maintains national data for all on farm fatalities across Australia, sourced from the National Coronial Information System (NCIS). Each request for data and information will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and is approved by NCIS prior to release.
Complete the below form for data request.